Motorcycle Council of NSW Ph: 1300 679 622 (1300 NSW MCC) |

Sub-Committee Current Activities Summary July 2021


  • Jellore Community 2nd Walk Day – September 4th now confirmed. As an important trail riding location, explore it even more with other stakeholders on the 4th. See you there!
  • Jellore NPWS Flora Reserve Working Group Meeting Friday 27th August. This is to discuss the designation changes and Trail Bike access to reserve.
  • Continuing development of a NSW strategy – Development of the Manjimup Trail Bike Hub in WA explained. Using the South Australian Off-Road Master Plan and Western Australian Back on Track Strategy as influencing documents.
  • We are working with Outdoors NSW/ACT in developing their Trail Riding position. Strategy intent document in draft. Next meeting is 12th July.
  • Commenced dialogue with Bicycling NSW around common issues re mountain bikes and e-bikes.
  • Invite to top 10 trail bike importers being organised to attend a future information meeting, including KTM, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Husqvarna and Betta.
