As a result, Outdoors has agreed to assist us with our efforts of advocating for the Trail Bike community.
Outdoors NSW & ACT has formed a trail bike Sub-Committee which comprises of representatives from the peak body and from the MCC’s trail bike Sub-Committee.
A Strategic Intent document has been released, you can read it here. We intend to use it as a talking point with stakeholders to start the development of this strategy.
Currently the Sub-Committee members are listed on Outdoors NSW & ACT webpage:-

Who is Outdoors NSW & ACT?
Outdoors NSW & ACT is the peak body for Outdoor Recreation, Education, Therapy and Adventure Tourism in NSW and the ACT. It supports the industry, its people and organisations in outdoor pursuits that enable the health and well-being of our communities.
A large part of Outdoors NSW & ACT’s work is enabling policy consideration and change to increase participation in the outdoors. Their goals are:-
- Work with stakeholders to advocate for effective policy change on behalf of the industry to increase awareness and participation in the community.
- Build awareness of the industry’s contribution to health and wellbeing to increase active participation both internally as career opportunities and to externally to communities.
- Continually provide opportunities for the industry to develop, prosper and remain a sustainable activity for generations to come
Outdoors NSW & ACT has been evolving for over 30 years. Established in 1984 as The Outdoor Professionals and later becoming the Outdoor Recreation Industry Council of NSW (ORIC) the organisation has long been recognised as the peak industry body representing the interests of outdoor practitioners and employers in NSW & the ACT.
Outdoors NSW ACT is supported by the NSW Office Of Sport. This Partnership acknowledges the work Outdoors NSW & ACT does to develop the outdoor recreation sector and the need to promote the benefits of participating in outdoors activities to the NSW community. The Partnership with the NSW Office of Sport provides an avenue for the sector’s voice to be heard by the government.
What is the Outdoors NSW & ACT Sub-Committee trying to achieve?
- Recognise Trail Bike riding as an activity that has large participation and value
- Gain consideration of needs of recreational motorbikes by identified stakeholders
- Legitimise Trail Bike riding as a legal and beneficial pursuit.
These objectives will be achieved by developing a strategy to promote the interests of trail riders.
We’ll keep you informed of future developments!