On July 5th the MCC of NSW made a submission to NPWS for the changes involving the Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area and it’s effect on trail riding. You can read our submission HERE.
This submission and assessment process will take about 12 months (July 2023).
NPWS’s response to our submission is below:
“Thank you for your recent submission on the Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area Draft Plan of Management. When the exhibition period finishes on 5 July 2022, we consider all submissions and prepare a submissions report.
We provide the Blue Mountains Regional Advisory Committee with the draft plan, all the submissions and the submissions report. They consider the documents, make comments on the plan or suggest changes, and provide advice to the Minister for the Environment.
The Minister considers the plan, submissions and advice, makes any necessary changes and decides whether to adopt the plan under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. Once the plan is adopted, we will publish it on our website at www.environment.nsw.gov.au/parkmanagement/ParkManagementPlan.htm. We will advise you when this happens.
It usually takes more than 12 months after exhibition to complete this process, depending on the complexity of the plan and the number of submissions.
Thank you for your interest in this park and participating in the plan of management process. “