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Trail bike noise research 2010 Australia

“This paper describes recent research into noise emissions from trail bikes. A review of relevant noise control regulations is provided, covering the operation of trail bikes across Australia, and including regulations specific to the State of Victoria. Initial investigations comprised stationary noise testing a selection of typical bike and exhaust configurations, conducted under controlled conditions and according to standardised test procedures applicable to each regulatory framework. Results from these initial measurements indicated substantial variance between noise levels obtained according to different test procedures, even where the relevant noise limit is identical.”

Motorcycling in Australia – Directions for the industry 2017-2020

“Motorcycling is a smart and affordable way to travel, ideally suited to the Australian lifestyle. Motorcycles come in many styles and sizes from trail bikes to cruisers to touring bikes to scooters. They have lower travel costs, produce less CO2 emissions, reduce travel time and traffic congestion in urban areas, and use valuable inner-city parking space more effectively. The smaller, more efficient engines also have less impact on urban air quality. Riding motorcycles and scooters encourages outdoor activity and a healthy lifestyle.”

Off-road Vehicle and Local Government Paper – Endorsed by State Council 5th Dec 2018

“For decades the use of off-road vehicles (ORV) has raised concerns for Local Governments and their communities. In Western Australia and other jurisdictions in Australia the impacts of ORV use are well documented and centre primarily on community safety, environmental, economic and social impacts. Most recently, the WALGA South East Metropolitan Zone, other peri-urban and regional Local Governments have highlighted their concerns by raising with WALGA a call to action.”

DSE trailbikes options paper

“Trail Bikes – Issues and Challenges

“As outlined in this paper, the current levels of trail bike use are causing environmental damage and significant community conflict with residents and other forest recreationalists. Whilst it is noted that many of the issues are caused by the illegal and inappropriate behaviour of a minority of riders, it is anticipated that the problems will increase in scale with the increasing levels of use driven by increasing motorbike sales and outward growth of the metropolitan fringe.”

2007 Qld Trail bike research

“Trail Bikes – Issues and Challenges
Recently, there has been a general trend for trail bike riding to be regarded as a legitimate pursuit, attracting people from all age groups interested in competitive or recreational riding. Unfortunately, the activity does raise a range of problems for nearby landholders, state and local government, and for the riders themselves. Noise, dust, safety, environmental impact, and finding safe and legal places to ride are among the issues discussed in this Research Brief. While many riders do the right thing, irresponsible riders tend to harm the reputation of all riders in general.”