“Situated on Latrobe River Road east of Neerim South, Latrobe Trail Bike Visitor Area is central to a large network of forest roads and tracks. The area is ideal for trail bike riding and provides riders with a range of facilities to make riding more enjoyable. It is easily accessed via sealed and gravelled roads from Neerim South.”
Off-road Vehicle and Local Government Paper – Endorsed by State Council 5th Dec 2018
“For decades the use of off-road vehicles (ORV) has raised concerns for Local Governments and their communities. In Western Australia and other jurisdictions in Australia the impacts of ORV use are well documented and centre primarily on community safety, environmental, economic and social impacts. Most recently, the WALGA South East Metropolitan Zone, other peri-urban and regional Local Governments have highlighted their concerns by raising with WALGA a call to action.”
DSE trailbikes options paper
“Trail Bikes – Issues and Challenges
“As outlined in this paper, the current levels of trail bike use are causing environmental damage and significant community conflict with residents and other forest recreationalists. Whilst it is noted that many of the issues are caused by the illegal and inappropriate behaviour of a minority of riders, it is anticipated that the problems will increase in scale with the increasing levels of use driven by increasing motorbike sales and outward growth of the metropolitan fringe.”
2007 Qld Trail bike research
“Trail Bikes – Issues and Challenges
Recently, there has been a general trend for trail bike riding to be regarded as a legitimate pursuit, attracting people from all age groups interested in competitive or recreational riding. Unfortunately, the activity does raise a range of problems for nearby landholders, state and local government, and for the riders themselves. Noise, dust, safety, environmental impact, and finding safe and legal places to ride are among the issues discussed in this Research Brief. While many riders do the right thing, irresponsible riders tend to harm the reputation of all riders in general.”
Timber harvesting is due to commence in the vicinity of Swans Crossing in Kerewong State Forest.
For visitor safety, Swans Crossing picnic & campgrounds will be closed weekdays (Monday to Friday) commencing Monday July 27th 2020.
Visitors are welcome on weekends but are asked to leave by Sunday evenings.
Harvesting timber is an essential part of forest management, providing #theultimaterenewableresource & allowing for the growth of a new generation of trees, creating a healthy & thriving forest.
We thank everyone for their patience, and will post when Swans Crossing is open on weekdays again here.
#visitnswforests #theultimaterenewableresource #swanscrossing #kerewong
Belanglo Parking – COVID
Due to COVID-19 all vehicles for Trail Bike to parking in safe locations, attached is a map with suggested areas marked blue.
Short walk to the toilet if required. There’s also other options outside the forest.