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DSMRA AGM Minutes 2019

“Thank you for everyone who has come to this year’s meeting, we do appreciate it.
It is with a glad heart I hope to step aside at the end of this meeting. I’m glad because in the 2 years as President, I and the committee have achieved virtually all we’ve set out to do.
The committee has held meetings by skype on the first Wednesday of every second month or there abouts.”

Back on Track – Full Report

“The State Trail Bike Strategy was prepared by Trail Bike Management Australia between June 2007 and November 2007. Feedback to the draft Strategy was received from December 2007 to March 2008. The project team wishes to thank all those who articipated in this process, those who met with the consultants or who thoughtfully expressed their views in writing or via the online survey.
The consultants acknowledge the advice, assistance and information provided by the following groups and individuals in the preparation of this strategy:”

Trail bike noise research 2010 Australia

“This paper describes recent research into noise emissions from trail bikes. A review of relevant noise control regulations is provided, covering the operation of trail bikes across Australia, and including regulations specific to the State of Victoria. Initial investigations comprised stationary noise testing a selection of typical bike and exhaust configurations, conducted under controlled conditions and according to standardised test procedures applicable to each regulatory framework. Results from these initial measurements indicated substantial variance between noise levels obtained according to different test procedures, even where the relevant noise limit is identical.”

Motorcycling in Australia – Directions for the industry 2017-2020

“Motorcycling is a smart and affordable way to travel, ideally suited to the Australian lifestyle. Motorcycles come in many styles and sizes from trail bikes to cruisers to touring bikes to scooters. They have lower travel costs, produce less CO2 emissions, reduce travel time and traffic congestion in urban areas, and use valuable inner-city parking space more effectively. The smaller, more efficient engines also have less impact on urban air quality. Riding motorcycles and scooters encourages outdoor activity and a healthy lifestyle.”